This year has been the most fun, productive garden we have ever had. We have a plot out at the Cornerstone mission base (where David and I are on staff as intercessory missionaries) and tend to it several times a week. The kids all help. For them the funnest job is picking the beans or digging the potatoes. However, they all, except Micah, pull or hoe weeds. And earlier in the gardening season, the boys and Abby were my potato watch dogs. For weeks, they pulled off the potato bugs and smashed them. The kids are eating the "fruits" of their labor, learning to keep working even when they are hot and sweaty, and getting to watch how God has designed plants to grow and reproduce. It really feels so good to me to work hard in the garden. We were there this morning, everyone working hard. And our reward will be dinner: Basil Parmesan Chicken (with basil from our garden), roasted potatoes (from the garden), and sauteed green beans, also from the garden. We could even have a salad from the garden, if we wanted! 100 years ago it wasn't so cool to grow your own food, but today, we are thankful for this experience. And our bodies will be healthier, too, from the work, the sunshine, and the fresh, organic food.