Monday, May 31, 2010

to fight or not to fight

This is a conversation I heard between Keenan and Micah a couple of days ago. I wrote it down because it was so funny. I was hanging up laundry, Keenan was sitting outside whittling a stick, and Micah just walked up and sat down by Keenan. Then the serious ponderings of a 4 year old become known.

M: Keenan, you know what?


M:When we grow up we’re gonna be in the army.

K:Not me.

M:Why not?

K:Cause people die in the Army.

M:Not when I grow up.

K:Yeah, lots of people still die in the Army.

M:Well, Daddy’s in the Army.

K:Nuh uh. Not anymore.

M:Well, he was. He didn’t die.

K:Yeah, but he didn’t fight.

M:He didn’t?


M:What did he do?

K:He helped do papers and stuff.

M:Well, that’s what I’ll do in the army.

K:Well, you could still die.

M:Really? How?

K:Well, you probably won’t die, you’ll just bleed.

I didn't catch Micah's last comment but that was enough soldier talk for the two of them for that day.

Hope you had a good laugh. God sure keeps us laughing with these boys around.

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