Sunday, August 22, 2010

Joy in the Unseen

Top 10 blessings from this week (in no particular order):
10. All 5 kids sitting around the table at snack time, their snack mix poured out in a heap, talking and laughing together.
9. Hearing the 2 year old learning to say new words.
8. Praying with friends from out of town about a big decision in their lives.
7. The oldest daughter's thankfulness at being set free to go with a friend to a much desired destination.
6. Snuggling with the cutest 4 year old ever!
5. Quiet moments with Jesus in the morning before anyone wakes, where Jesus in his gentle way draws me back to what is really important in life!
4. Hugs and the familiar scent of my man.
3. Dinners with friends
2. Laughter with the kids, which happens all too infrequently.
1. The teasings of cool, refreshing fall weather and the excitement this brings to my soul.

As God draws me to the unseen, to communion with him and the enjoyment of the life he has blessed me with, I wanted to record these memories that echo in my mind this morning.

"They shall utter (literally translated 'bubble forth') the memory of your great goodness, and shall sing of your righteousness" Psalm 145:7

EDIT: one more... watching my nine year old worship the Lord! Wow, does she bless me and I know Jesus too.

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