He is Risen!! What a great time of year! Warm weather, flowers just starting to show their beautiful colors, and best of all a time to remember and celebrate the great love of our God! Thanks be to God that he loved us when we were his enemies, and took the punishment for our sins that we could have peace with God and a place in His holy family! He is alive and we look forward with growing anticipation to the time Jesus returns to rule with justice and righteousness!
We had planned an Easter passover Seder with our worshiping community but because of some flooring problems it had to be rescheduled. So we went to a different local fellowship and gathered with them to celebrate Jesus. Then we went to CiCi's Pizza, a treat for us all. After rest time, we had a plastic Easter egg hunt, then dyed real eggs and hunted them too. It was a great day and a great ending to the Spring Break week!

The middle pictures are of the boys searching for eggs. Keenan climbed the fence to retrieve one and I had just given Micah a hint about one and that was his reaction! Finally is a picture of us dyeing eggs.