We had so much fun over Spring Break. We made family time a priority and made some fun memories. First, the girls had their last day of Classical Conversations (a homeschool group), which ended with a fun pizza party. The following day we lounged around and played outside in the sunshine. David took Micah on an "adventure", the boy word for date. He had taken Keenan and Rachel in previous weeks , and Micah was counting down days til it was his turn with Daddy. Wednesday, we drove to the Cincinnati Art Museum for a "field trip" and enjoyed the man-made art and God's art in the grounds of the museum. Thursday, we went with a friend to an Amish area in Southern Kentucky to buy grain and other goodies in bulk! On the way home, we stopped at a creek and skipped rocks and explored. Friday, I drove with a friend and ministry partner to Louisville to visit a inmate in prison, whom we had the great honor to lead to the Lord and watch her relationship with Jesus grow in the local detention center. We were very encouraged to hear how well she is doing in this hard place, struggling to learn new patterns of thinking so that when she is released she can continue her walk with the Lord in a healthy new life! Saturday finally arrived for Rachel because she and David had been planning a biking trip on some local trails. Rachel packed them lunches, and they took the bikes to the the trail beginnings, only to be greeted with rain. Not to be denied her fun, they started out anyway and after a little while the rain stopped and held off for the rest of their time. The other kids and I painted and planted seeds for the upcoming garden, played outside and worked on Easter decorations. We also took a walk down and bought ourselves some ice cream pops! After dinner some friends came over to do our Easter resurrection rolls with us. We make these rolls with the kids as a hands-on symbolic way to remember that Jesus is no longer dead... He's alive!! So now just a few pictures from our week. Mostly I forgot to take pictures, but a few times I remembered. Hope you enjoyed a view into our week!

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