Recently I was reading the account of Jesus' visit to Martha and Mary's home in Luke 10. Some of the words used to describe Martha really stood out to me:
Distracted, Worried, Troubled. And as I meditated on this passage, it occurred to me how fittingly they describe most people in our culture today, even people in the Church. Distraction comes in so many forms. We are distracted by entertainment, such as movies, television, social activities, etc... We can be distracted by daily chores, work, money, other people, religious activity, and many more. How much diligence it takes to fight these to go after the One Thing that is essential!
Likewise, how many are "worried and troubled about many things"? We mostly worry about things we are not sure will happen or things out of our control. Jesus said we should not worry about anything, but seek Him and His kingdom and He will provide for us, He will protect us or give us strength to endure what ever may come. He has a perfect plan that we can trust! However it is not guaranteed to be pain free. In fact, we are told to be ready for trials and suffering, and to face them with joy.
So if we are so like Martha, how do we become like Mary? Jesus is gentle in his correction with Martha, just as He is with us, pointing her to what is best. Jesus told Martha that one thing is needed and Mary had chosen that good thing. And what is that one thing that is needed? Sitting with Jesus, hearing His word, obeying His commands. We must learn to put aside distraction, worry and things that trouble us just to be with Jesus and soak in His truth and love, to align ourselves with God's purposes. That is what I think Mary was doing that day, and I am committed to going after that myself! Come along with me. It's not easy, but it's worth it. It's the one thing that is essential!