We had so much fun on our camping trip last week! We were soooo busy during the month of May with school and work, that we decided to take some time during the first week off and spend some quality time together. We spent a few days at "the Gorge" as it is known around here. After setting up camp, we cooked our special dinner (steak, potatoes and salad, mmmm......), then went for a hike. On our hike the kids discovered some wild blueberries, so we picked berries to add to our pancakes the next morning! What a treat!! Then we enjoyed s'mores around the campfire. The next day after breakfast, we headed out of the campground to explore. We saw some beautiful scenery, including the one lane rock tunnel that was blasted through with dynamite during the early 1900s. Our destination that morning was Rock Bridge Trail, where we were told there was a waterfall and a creek where we could play. It was a beautiful hike and the creek and waterfall were all that we expected! We had a great time playing in the creek. The hike back up the mountain was HOT but worth it, especially with the m&m trail mix! After returning to the camp, some of us rested, some of us explored the woods around our site, and some of us had a water fight. you'll have to guess which one did what activity! We had dinner, played cards, and roasted marshmellows (again!!). The next morning it was raining so we made breakfast in the drizzle over the fire and then packed up. It poured as we were leaving so we just headed back toward home. We stopped at a park for lunch, playing and feeding the ducks! What great memories we made!

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