I have a story to tell. It is not because I am the most talented writer. It is not because more the a hundred people on the planet even recognize my name. It is not because I have all the answers or have this crazy life figured out. I have a story to tell because God is at work! He is the main character in this story and I and my little brood are (mostly) happily following along. I have a story to tell of His faithfulness, His kindness, His abundance, His mercy! I do have a story, but I don't have much free time to spin the tales. However, I enjoy recording snippets of this blessed life and want to make time to do so more regularly. So... at the risk of not following through, I am committing to try to blog once a week- a cute picture, funny story, example of God's goodness, or thought from the quiet place with Jesus.
I have a story to tell... I hope my story will cause thanksgiving and joy in your hearts!
Abby the dancer! She has been so committed to ballet this past year and is amazing! God is stirring her heart and making her come alive in new ways that are so exciting to me! |
Keenan, who joined the teens at our home, snuggling with newest "cute baby Aaron."
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