My heart was so filled with gratitude as I took time to recount the week today. Thoughts about my week included musings in these categories: The wonderful, the hard, and the funny. I thought it would be medicine for my soul to record them and maybe encouraging and slightly entertaining (some of them) to others. I remember that I have a story to tell of God's faithfulness! So, with no further delay...
The Wonderful
*David was back to a "normal" schedule this week after several heavily stacked work weeks.
*My 13 year old boy having a great time with his grandparents in Oregon. I miss him a lot, but I am so thankful that my in-laws want to keep this tradition for our kids! It is a treasured and eagerly anticipated experience! Also, thankful that after a week, he finally started missing us, and called to tell me so!
*Sitting in the quiet prayer room this week after a hard few days. The Lord is my refuge, my hiding place, my firm foundation. How I thrive in His presence! An how I am strengthened and encouraged in prayer, worship, and Scripture!
*A chance to be hands and feet, a blessing in action to a friend that I hadn't spoken to in a while.

*Swimming pools and water slides with the kids.
*Being mostly successful with getting up early to have time to read and pray. Not a morning person at all so this is a work of God's grace to enable me to do this!
*Enjoying the little local farmer's market, with the lovely folks that bring their goods to sell. I was especially thankful for the kindness they showed to my rowdy crew.
*Walking through the Wilmore Caboose for the first time and having our friend Ken answer our questions. I've been here for 21 years! It is about time.
*Early Friday morning morning sharing and prayer with a dear, dear friend!
*Feeling more at home worshiping with a new body of believers.
*Taking Keenan's dog for walks with the kids while Keenan is away.
*Aaron crawling.
The Hard
*Aaron is crawling! Aaahhh! Every. single. minute. I have to watch him, or have a sibling with him. He particularly loves cords, little things, and my table by the couch. : /
*One child in particular still struggling with attitude, submission to authority, arguing, rudeness... This kid can wreck me quickly! Additionally, the door seems to be closed to the counselor that I thought would be good for us. So this weekend, I started looking again.
*Aaron struggling with night-time sleep.
The Funny
*First, was in worship this morning. The pastor was teaching and I was holding Aaron. Micah was beside me and he handed Aaron this little clover flower one of the littles brought in. He was investigating it and enjoying it, so I made a mental note to watch him with it. Except that I am forgetful and prone to distraction. :) So a few minutes later, he gags and almost throws up. I first think, oh, no, he is going to be sick right in the middle of the service on the floor, but then I see the stem he is still holding in is hand. And I realize it is only a stem now! No flower! I almost laughed out loud (in church!) as I realized he had eaten the flower. Well, at least it was an edible variety and there is no need for concern! HAHA!
*At dinner, the kids were telling tongue twisters. Abby brought up "Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy, wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy, wuzzy wasn't fuzzy was he?" So then Micah and the others were trying to remember it and say it. Faster and faster. twice, eight times, fifteen times. No, make them stop!... Then, Sarah (3) says, "Fuzzy, wuzzy didn't have any fuzzy stuff. Fuzzy, wuzzy didn't have any fuzzy stuff. I got that part already, guys." And she kept saying that over and over. So funny to hear her try to copy and then hear her version. :)
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