Friday, June 26, 2009


Bedtime... sometimes bedtime is fun and a good bonding time. We read a book or play a short game, we brush teeth, sing a song, kiss, hug and pray. Tonight though bedtime started off a lot different than that. It has been a tough afternoon. Some days the kids are just grumpy and don't want to say or do anything nice to anyone. Those are difficult days in our small house. I don't know why some days are like that, while others seem to go so smoothly and everyone plays and works together nicely. Similarly, neither do I understand why some mornings I feel at peace, ready to walk with the Lord and tackle the day ahead with joy, and other days I would rather just go back to bed.
So after being alone tonight (David is at work- his first night of his new job with an evening work schedule) with cranky kids, I was worn out and frustrated. I said "good night" to Keenan and started to walk out the door, trying to leave without the usual bedtime routine. But he asked me to sing to him. I sat there for a minute trying to decide what song to sing, and a song from youth group days that has encouraged me along my journey came to mind. So I sang "God will make a way, where there seems to be no way; He works in ways, we cannot see..." And as I sang it, I claimed the truth of it for my family. God will make a way for me. He will make a way for His will in my life, in my kids' lives, in this crazy world in which we live. God will make a way.
Then it was on to child #2. I got Micah all tucked in and like usual asked "Do you want to pick the song or shall I?" He wanted to choose and picked "I love you, Micah." I don't know if you know this little ditty. I am not even sure where I learned it, but all of my kids love it. It goes like this: " I love you ___________(fill in the name), oh yes I do. I love you ________ and I'll be true. When you're not with me, I'm blue, who who. Oh, _________ I love you!" As I sang, I thought about how much he loves me to sing that simple and somewhat silly song to him. He loves for me to sing about him and to sing about how much I love him. And I thought about Jesus telling his disciples to be like the little children to enter the kingdom of heaven. Then he thanked God for Silas (it blesses me so much how much they all, especially the boys, love him), and for the cats (we only have one since we moved), and a few other things. Again, the simplicity touched my heart and lifted the frustration of the day.
So bedtime started so difficult, full of the frustrations of the day, but turned out a blessing that helped me readjust my vision. I saw Jesus and His love and power, and that makes all the difference in the world. Maybe tomorrow,by God's grace, I'll be able to keep that focus all day no matter what the circumstances may be.

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