Saturday, April 23, 2011

Peas in a Pod

Just thought you would like to see these cute boys.  They are almost always together.  Just this morning I was making breakfast with Micah.  He wanted to have cereal and I said we would save that for school mornings when we didn't have as much time.  He said, "It's not a school day?"  No, I say.  "Yippee!" He exclaims.  Keenan walks into the kitchen as we are talking and says "Why do you care?  You don't even have to do school work."  And Micah's answer is " Yeah, but I'll have people to play with!"
Silas and Micah watching Keenan put together some new star wars legos he bought with Granny's Christmas money

Look at these scary looking dudes!  Notice Silas in the background

Keenan was recently given a Gameboy.  We have never done video games so he is captivated with it!  Obviously so are his brothers.  Funny!
Now that Nathanael is getting bigger, they like to include him in their play, too.  Here they were camping or something and it is sleeping time!

Getting ready for the first soccer game!  David is coaching Keenan's team.  And Silas of course is just as excited about watching soccer.  He's even in the spirit with his soccer shirt!


Two Year Old Funnies

David and I are talking after breakfast on this relaxing Saturday morning.  I hear Silas call to his brothers, "I be right back."  He comes into the dining room and says, "Will you get me a helmet down?  And I need a sword and flashlight." 
"Wow," I say.  "What are you going to do with it all?" 
"I just 'tackin' (attacking) the boys (his brothers)."
"Oh," I say.  "Do they want to play like that?"
"No." Silas says with a smile.
So I remind him we should only attack others when they want to play like that, something that sounds so backwards coming out of my mouth.  I'd never have said that to the girls. 
Then David says, "I thought you wanted to read books with me."
Silas says, "No."  Then adds, "I have superpowers."

Too, too funny!  It's amazing the things that boys says.  It is so apparent that he has a house full of older siblings!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thoughts from a Pligrim's Heart, Part 2

Well it took me long enough to write again.  I just don't have very much time to sit (without a baby in my arms) in front of the computer.  And really there is too much life to live to try to squeeze in time. 
I've been reading an old book by Hannah Whitall Smith titled The Christian's Secret to a Happy Life.  In it I read this that really challenged me: "In order for a soul to be made into a vessel unto God's honor, must be entirely abandoned to Him and must lie passively in His hands."  She is using the analogy of clay in a potter's hand, yielding fully to the Potter.  That is so hard for me!  To lie passively, waiting, receiving whatever the Master deems useful and necessary.  I so often I think I know the way and try to direct the potter, but how foolish of me!  I must learn to place myself, ALL of my life, into God's strong, loving, omniscient Hands and just yield to His touches, "an entire surrender of the whole being to God."  Then she says, "To a soul ignorant of God, this may look hard.  But to those who know Him, it is the happiest and most restful of lives." I have tasted this and desire to really experience this DAILY!  It is not so difficult when you really know God; it is rest and joy and peace!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thoughts from a Pligrim's heart, part 1

These are some thoughts from recent times at the House of Prayer, just sitting in God's Presence.
*Worship is like sweet smelling incense, first to God, who is most worthy!  But as I pour out worship from my heart, it brings the fragrance of worship everywhere I go.  Lord, teach me to pour out this incense, break my vial of worship all over my home that it would change me and change the atmosphere of my home.
*Thoughts from 1 Peter 1:  Pilgrims, God's elect... this wer are!  In this- begotten again, new, offered a solid living hope of eternal life and honor- in the we greatly rejoice! And even in this rejoicing, there is temporary grief, various trials, testing of my most precious faith.  Grief and rejoicing, difficulty and joy, peace and pain-- mixed like oil and water.  As I sojourn, I walk by faith, embracing the trials as a means to purification that results in resurrection and life, joy eternal!!
*v 8 "Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible" 
The foundation I stand on is unseen, even to me.  I can feel it (most of the time) but I cannot see it.  The treasure for which I have sold my life is buried deep and I long to lay my eyes on it, touch it, but for now I wait in faith!  As I dig, I get gems, tastes of what is to come.  He has not left me orphaned!  He has given me treasure, a deposit, to keep me til the end.  He has put oil in my lamp and continues to do so as I come to Him, until the Bridegroom comes and the lamp is no longer necessary.  My faith WILL one day become sight!  Though I do not see him, I love Him!  And I will recieve the goal of my faith, the salvation of my soul!!