Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thoughts from a Pligrim's Heart, Part 2

Well it took me long enough to write again.  I just don't have very much time to sit (without a baby in my arms) in front of the computer.  And really there is too much life to live to try to squeeze in time. 
I've been reading an old book by Hannah Whitall Smith titled The Christian's Secret to a Happy Life.  In it I read this that really challenged me: "In order for a soul to be made into a vessel unto God's honor, ...it must be entirely abandoned to Him and must lie passively in His hands."  She is using the analogy of clay in a potter's hand, yielding fully to the Potter.  That is so hard for me!  To lie passively, waiting, receiving whatever the Master deems useful and necessary.  I so often I think I know the way and try to direct the potter, but how foolish of me!  I must learn to place myself, ALL of my life, into God's strong, loving, omniscient Hands and just yield to His touches, "an entire surrender of the whole being to God."  Then she says, "To a soul ignorant of God, this may look hard.  But to those who know Him, it is the happiest and most restful of lives." I have tasted this and desire to really experience this DAILY!  It is not so difficult when you really know God; it is rest and joy and peace!

1 comment:

  1. Melissa this post is beautiful. On our women's retreat back in may our speaker taught on the potter and the clay (Isaiah 18 maybe?). She talked about hoe a potter never takes's their hands off their clay. They hold the clay constantly while being shaped. I love the idea of laying passively in His hands, fully abandoned to Him. I needed this. Thank you. I want to get together... We just got back from a trip and leave again in Sat. Would u want to try to get together and go to the park or something so the kids can play and we can chat? Miss u friend.
